
2019年5月21日至24日,2019年度联合城市遥感大会(Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, JURSE)在法国瓦讷召开。本届会议由IEEE GRSS协会和ISPRS联合举办,以“Deep learning for built area”, “Urban climatology”, “SAR imagery”, “Processing 3D/Multiview Data”, “Slums, informal areas, or invisible cities? Mapping the missing spaces”, “National & international initiatives for earth observation data and services”, “3D reconstruction of urban environments using SAR tomography”, “Capturing green infrastructure provision using diverse airborne and orbital sensor systems”, “Deep learning in urban remote sensing: a focus on training data”以及“Urban remote sensing for sub-Saharan Africa”为议题,吸引了来自13个国家和地区的163名注册代表参会。

我室博士生沈瑶参加了此次会议,在学生竞赛分会场作了题为“Urban expansion trajectories in China’s 36 major cities”的口头报告。与会期间,我室学生认真听取相关学术报告,并与相关领域的学者广泛交流学术见解,参观各项技术展览,进一步了解了遥感技术在城市相关领域的应用现状与未来前景。

